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Walt Disney And The Holy Grail?


My current part time arts gig is art history researcher specializing in symbols for CodedHistory.com 

The father of Disneyland, Walt Disney, is the master imagineer of animated mystical fantasies, such as Cinderella, Sword in the Stone, and Alice in Wonderland.  To most people Disney’s works are colorful child friendly versions of old fairytales and folklore.

What most people don’t know is that Disney’s inspiration is from the secrets of secret societies and so-called occult associations. Occult associations that are considered witchcraft and devil worshipers by millions of parents who have Disney channel subscriptions and Disneyland passes. This is no small irony, but it’s not as bad as it looks on the surface. Walt Disney didn’t study witchcraft or devil worship he studied symbolism in design, history, and literature. 

Walter Disney, born 1946, was a member of a secret society called the Rosy Cross, Rosicrucians that studied gnosis, geomancy, and alchemy.  Formally known as the Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis or AMORC, but more popularly known as the Rosicrucians.   Walt apparently completed all the teachings of the society to reach the level of Grand Master. 


Other influential people with high ranking in Rosicrucian orders include Francis Bacon and Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry. Plus a host of well known personages who opt to remain anonymous.

To be specific, Walt Disney was initiated into the Masonic Rosicrucian Order of DeMolay. DeMolay Chapters were named after Jacques de Molay, the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar.  The youth chapters of the Masonic “Craft” for young women and men aged 12 to 21 years of age.   Masonic and Knights Templar orders have always accepted women, even in ancient times, because their principle symbol of God, then and now, has always been a woman. In ancient times it was Isis, today it is Mary Magdalene. 

“DeMolay Chapters are sponsored by the Masons through local Masonic Lodges, Shrine Clubs, Scottish Rite bodies and other Masonic organizations.”  Walt Disney was schooled in the art of Masonic doctrine and belief systems since his youth, which guided him throughout his life of good works, a long way away from devil worship. 

Rosicrucianism combines both conventional chronological history of verifiable facts and legends and folklore passed down for centuries by word of mouth. The school of the Rosy Cross traces its origins to mystery schools in Egypt circa 1500 BCE at the time of Pharaoh Thutmosis III and his stepmother Hatshepsut.  The mystery schools were established to probe the "the mysteries of life” or natural phenomena and spirituality.  Among their most esteemed pupils were included Pharaoh Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV) and his wife Nefertiti.

With this ancient knowledge, Walt Disney created the most popular theme parks and animated films in modern history.  A multi faceted corporation with products primarily based on themes learned from Rosicrucian Masonic and other ancient teachings.  A magical formula that Disney used to captivate and influence people of all ages around the world. A formula is still used present day by the Disney corporation.

When designing the new entrance of the Hong Kong Disneyland, Disney executives decided to shift the angle of the front gate by 12 degrees. The decision was based on the advice of a professional Chinese Feng Shui master that the change in angle would ensure maximum prosperity for the park. Disney landscape designers also put a bend in the walkway from the train station to the gate, making sure the flow of positive energy, called Chi, does not bypass the entrance and instead go out to the China Sea.


According to Wikipedia  “In traditional Chinese culture, qi or ch'i is believed to be a vital force forming part of any living entity. Qi translates as "air" and figuratively as "material energy", "life force", or "energy flow". Qi is the central underlying principle in Chinese traditional medicine and in Chinese martial arts.”     In practical mundane reality Feng Shui and object placement is how the eye follows a path of design and what it makes the person feel.  Disney parks are all about making people feel wonderful, as in the literal word.

The martial art of Tai Chi also works with energy, but from a cognitive human interaction perspective.  How a human focuses their own energy internally to heal or calm and externally to heal or destroy.  Chi means both “life force” and “ultimate”.  Elderly people are often seen practicing tai chi in parks. Most observers think that it is just a slow movement exercise to keep fit.  What they don’t realize is that if you speed up tai chi exercises they become the most lethal, ultimate, form of martial arts on the planet.  This isn’t magic, it is the wonder of human physical prowess. 

Another perceived mystical element of Walt’s legacies is Club 33, the exclusive member’s only VIP club and restaurant lounge chain hidden away in Disney parks.   The number 33 to the Christian general public is the supposed age Jesus Christ at his death and year of his crucifixion in the Bible.  To Walt Disney and his  Rosicrucian sisters and brothers, 33 represents two things. 33 is the birth year of the last female pharaoh of Egypt, the true daughter of Cleopatra.  

33 also represents part of a series of time glitches in history books. The time glitches are due to the fact that the historical timeline in history books is based on the Bible, and not actual history. Often when master artists and writers create works about time and especially time warps and time travel, in some cases space aliens as Gene Roddenberry works, they are warning us about time glitches in history books.  Due to the backlash and controversy they choose to code these histories into their art. 


An example of late 20th Century modern coded history is Douglas Adams’ Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and the number 42 being the answer to “Life, the Universe, and everything”.  The people of Earth didn’t understand the message because it was in another language, hard to get to. And 42 represents another time glitch in our history books, which will take whole book to explain. 

You will see for yourself by researching the histories of real people that there are no magic spells, devil worship, or Bible miracles involved.  Just a different version of history other than school history books, presented in symbolistic languages.   Aleister Crowely and his “Do What Thou Will” and new age mysticism workshops and tours are total crocks of bovine excrement created purely to take your money and time. It’s exactly the same as fake news on Youtube, or “YouBoob” as I call fake news.  Its sole design is to keep you addicted to giving them your time and money.  

Money we can earn or ask for to replenish. Time is something you can’t earn or ask for to replenish.  Once your time in this life is gone it is gone forever.  That is why “Time is precious”.   Why waste your precious time in repetitive fake news, fake Bible miracles, and fake history when real history is much more interesting and fabulous than Hollywood could ever portray?   In the real histories of the world, without the esoteric mumbo jumbo, you will see the real inspirations and tools behind Disney’s creative brilliance. 

At times Walter Disney was more overt about his secret society teachings. For example in his 1956 underground classic  “Donald Duck in Mathmagic Land”  Donald Duck journeys on an acid trip about Pythagoras, sacred geometry, and the fibonacci sequence. I watched this as a little girl in Australia, so I guess you could say that some of the keys to Disney’s code were programmed into me at childhood.  

“Donald Duck in Mathmagic Land”  features a secret society described as a secret club of “Eggheads,” their emblem  or membership badge is a pentagram.  In the context of mathematics the pentagram represents geometry, but in the context of Walt’s ancient history studies it represents a few things entirely different.  

Penta is Greek for 5 and gram meaning to write or make a symbol denoting a word or story. The full Greek word is pentagrammon. The five pointed star or pentagrammon symbolizes both a heavenly body and earthbound body. The heavenly body being the planet Venus, the subject of many vintage SciFi flicks.  

“Look down on the plane of the Solar System from above the Earth. Track the Earth so it always appears directly below you, but don’t turn along with it. With the passage of each year, you will see the Sun go around the Earth.”  (https://johncarlosbaez.wordpress.com


The planet Venus orbits in a strange way called the “Pentagram of Venus” because it has 5 ‘lobes’ where Venus makes its closest approach to Earth. “As the Sun goes around the Earth 8 times, Venus goes around the Sun 13 times.” At each closest approach to Earth, Venus spirals backwards in a retrograde motion 5 times to form the points of a pentagram with the Earth in the middle.  In this equation you can also see the so-called sacred numbers of presumed “witchcraft” 8 and 13.  Again no magic or miracles involved. It is mundane but advanced astronomy, which in itself if it is from the ancients, is an OOPart, an out of place artifact. 

The five pointed start also represents a real life queen in very ancient history, who was called Venus. The following is what I could ascertain from a mixology of legends from different ancient cultures about the story of Venus the woman. The princess who saved mankind, or at least a race or tribe of mankind, after the Biblical flood.

Venus was the daughter of king Poesidon, who we know as Noah. After the great flood there were few survivors, especially men.  Much of human race, or at least their tribe, would die out within the next generation. Venus organized the other royal women along with herself to take on multiple husbands to increase the population and gene pool. For this Venus was deified and temples built to honor her for thousands of years as a fertility goddess of various names. This is also why Venus is called the goddess of love.  

In the Himalayas I briefly met a Tibetan woman who had 7 husbands in the early 1990s. Apparently it was an ancient custom that was dying out. So I knew that there was a modern lineage of Venus’ story. The woman lived in McLeod Ganj, a suburb of Dharamshala in Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh in India.  I also met the Dali Lama there a couple of times.  It is not out of the question that Tibet had communications with Egypt, especially for trade.  Their traditional jewelry is very similar. 

In Egypt during the Ptolemy dynasties Venus’ was Isis or Auset (Where the name Australia comes from.) and worshipped all over Egypt as the principle goddess called the Queen of Heaven.  It is the Ptolemaic dynasties where the knowledge of Walt Disney’s Masonic Rosicrucianism and the tenets and craft of  the Knights Templar and Masonic societies are handed down from.  But not Freemasonry, because Freemasonry and Masonry are two separate organizations and belief systems.  

Masonry is many thousands of years old and hereditary imperial monarchist, royalists. Whereas the more modern Freemasonry is only 200 years old and not hereditary imperial monarchists, but instead are elected imperial monarchists.  There are two types of monarchies, hereditary and elected.   Queen Elizabeth of England is a hereditary imperial monarch, an empress, with an elected cabinet and socialist.  An inherited monarch’s purpose is to ensure her people are fed, housed, a military for protection and good relations and trade agreements with other counties. 


The president of the USA is an elected imperial monarch, an emperor, and capitalist. An elected monarchist purpose is to make sure their citizens have jobs and the country has trade agreements with other counties and a military to protect the country or corporation’s interest.  Walt Disney and his Rosicrucian sisters and brothers were closet socialists in a capitalist country and indeed while Walt was alive working for Disney was a secure career.   

If you look at their resumes the main difference that modern Hollywood and Youtube brainwashed people don’t realized is that hereditary monarchy comes with life experience of good works for their communities.  While an elected monarchy comes with a life experience of some good works, but mostly of being popular to the masses.  The election of Donald Trump as USA president and then people calling for Oprah Winfrey to be president proved that in no uncertain terms. 

 Trump himself didn’t expect to win and Melina sobbed when he did win. They both looked shocked when Trump won, because they didn't actually want the job. My assumption is that it was a publicity stunt that got serious due to a public brainwashed by modern media and blinded by celebrity since the advent of Hollywood.  So when Trump took office he had to make the best of it in any way he knew how.  

So what does all this have to do with the Holy Grail?  The original term for Holy Grail is a modern misinterpretation of the ancient French term “Sangraal".  Sang meaning sainted or holy and Graal or Graal meaning blood.  Sainted blood is archaic term for deified imperial royal blood.  The ritual of anointing and crowning a monarch is also a deification ritual to make the monarch a god or goddess on Earth sent by the Queen of Heaven to look after her people.  Real history and looking after one’s people and the planet are the principle teachings of Rosicrucianism and Masonry that Walt Disney followed. 

Because of his Masonic and Rosicrucian studies Walt Disney could see that capitalist government forgot about its purpose and obligations and true histories of monarchies looking after their people.  But Walt Disney being a major celebrity and business owner, living in a capitalist country that is badly educated and very defensive, he could not say such things straight out.  So instead he built a museum about ancient Egyptian royals that still exists today.  

The Rosicrucian Museum is in San Jose houses the largest collection of Egyptian artifacts on exhibit on the West coast of North America and is open all year round.  For anybody interested in real history it is a worthwhile resource curated by genuine historians who were not censored by miseducated mainstream academia.  The Rosicrucian Museum is a Disneyland for alternative history geeks and writers looking for new material in “truth stranger than fiction”. 

Dedicated to my Dad, Fraser Reginald Hodgson who told me about Walt Disney’s Rosicrucian Museum, and a few other things that have helped my research, when I was a little girl. <3 <3 <3

D.A. Hodgson


Disclaimer: I do not belong to any Masonic or other society, secret or public, and have not violated any confidentiality agreement. I am an art historian specializing in symbols and have royal ancestry. My research is all original with the help of professional archeologists, genealogists, and other historians with royal ancestry.  D.A. Hodgson http://CodedHistory.com

Book about coded houses of Haight Ashbury and coded museums of San Francisco and the woman who cracked the Da Vinci Code 100 years before Dan Brown’s book http://blurb.com/b/8374797-coded-history-haight-ashbury

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