New Groundbreaking Communication Technology
There is a problem with digital communications. There are so many hacks and deep fakes and fake-news-tubers you don’t even know if a news network is the real thing. Or the reporter is actually that person. Seriously you do not know who or what you are talking to or who or what is talking to you.
You think there are no more advances to make in communication to protect your privacy? It is blazingly apparent that digital has problems. People spend a lot more time, money and stress on digital communication than before the web. Ask somebody who was around before the web.
The arts are taking a big hit big time. Including in recorded and digital arts. I’ve researched technology gearing up for this for four years. Expressing yourself is now banned by the internet. Some news outlets are now talking about it, but I still have to be careful how I word this… and not register this page for keyword search.
33 Reasons this new way is better than what you are using to read this…
A creative way to communicate.
Noninvasive and safe for anybody.
Improves brain function and thought clarity.
Best form of private communication protection.
A great way of identifying that it is from you.
A great way of identifying it is from who you know.
They impress employers and business associates.
They impress friends and lovers.
A treat for anybody who receives one.
People collect them and they feature in books.
People win prizes for their skill in creating them.
Some are in museums and major library archives.
No batteries, device, memory chip or wifi required.
You can do it on a mountain top in the middle of nowhere.
You can do it on a spaceship to the Moon or Mars.
When you get one you enjoy opening it and reading it.
Don’t have to worry about losing it if your computer breaks.
Hackers and scammers cannot digitally steal the info.
It is safe enough to put your credit card info on it.
It can be registered for tracking for extra protection.
People who are not experts in technology can receive them.
People who are not experts in technology can make them.
The practice improves mental health and coordination.
Faster to work out ideas and draft up plans.
You can do it with one hand tied behind your back.
The tools to make them cost a lot less than a tech device.
Artificial intelligence can’t create foolproof hacks for it.
It is vintage and revolutionary at the same time.
You can have a say on whatever you want.
You can’t get tagged and banned from social media for it.
The tools to make them are great as a gift.
They are considered a fine art.
No fear of no likes.
The illustrations show you what it is and instructions how to do it … :) Train yourself and others to get off the screen. Be selective and minimal when you are on the screen. Lectures and lessons are OK. Surfing and digital social and communications not OK. I am guilty too, but working on it.
I like to get my info from real experts face to face whenever possible. So I know where and who the info is coming from. Any kid from anywhere with wifi can create a deep fake and tell you bullshit. That is not an exaggeration.
Deeper down the rabbit hole…
Ask somebody face to face, who actually works in a real hospital, how many virus deaths they’ve had. The real numbers are less than normal flu. My neighbor and friend of many years is neonatal ICU nurse with a masters in science. Safe vaccines cannot be made within a year. They need at least 3 years testing. Something artificial created this on the media and in computer messages and digital stats. A software virus is crashing your world, not a biological virus. There was no cheering in the streets of San Francisco inauguration day. San Franciscans would normally ignore lockdown to party about it. The little bit of a light show from Twin Peaks, didn’t make the news.
You have the power to get back to normal and give everybody their jobs back, and more, by following the above instructions. Share this and get your friends to share it and keep sharing it, so it doesn’t get erased. Print it out and send snail mail it. Stop letting the machines take over. AI doesn’t work for the real world. Quite the opposite. Ask any SciFi freak. They’ve been writing books and movies and animations and games and comic books about something like this happening for over a century. Even the Bible talked about it and that was written in 350 AD by Constantine’s scribes. My partner keeps saying “It’s Biblical.”
Here’s another strange couple of medical facts. Told to me by a medical doctor in Australia before the web and a doctor in San Francisco after the web. Number one is tobacco is not harmful, it’s the modern chemicals they started treating it will that are harmful. Tobacco is a medicine that helps with thought clarity, destress and immune systems. The shrub used for thousands of years by tribes in the Americas. A tobacco tree species grows Australia, used by Australian Aboriginals for 80,000 years.
Number two is you can’t patent a natural medicine. Natural medicines and techniques work fine for most things, but you can’t patent those. Nor can’ you sell a bunch of disposable implements to administer it. Nor promote a virus to make you think you need it. A company and its shareholders cannot patent natural lifestyle to corner the market. They cannot make money from you making stuff yourself and living naturally and independently or offline. Shareholders make the money and want more money, shareholders program the companies what to do. Big companies are just big computers with humans for circuit boards, just like a SciFi movie. It is a company’s job to dumb you down to buy their stuff. It is how they make more and more money for their shareholders.
You cannot say that what is going on today with online culture and real world impact is a good thing. We’ve hit a brick wall that gets nastier every day. It’s time to turn left.
Learn how to go analog. You will enjoy it more than digital and save a lot of time, stress and money. You can relax while you do your stuff. Support organic mom and pop shops and tobacco. A little bit goes a long way.