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Tips and Editorial

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56 Ways You Can Save The World

Save The World by Dganit Blechner, Israel. Acrylic on Canvas. Photo Miss D Gallery

Save The World by Dganit Blechner, Israel. Acrylic on Canvas. Photo Miss D Gallery

Use “SAVE THE WORLD” as your cause platform for marketing. It’s a great way to network and get exposure gigs, photos and vids and sharing.

I live in Haight Ashbury, walking distance to 4 hospitals. There are homeless tents on the streets, but there is no rush on hospitals. We live in a high density homeless mecca. Homeless people in California have typhus, bubonic plague, tuberculosis, fleas and rats and more. Everything that is highly contagious and nasty, but no covid? 

Same reports from friends I know in person in other parts of the San Francisco Bay Area who drive past hospitals every day. And reports from Los Angeles, which has the biggest visible homeless population! There are new web videos of high density homeless camps by different documentary makers every week. No ambulances, no body bags. If there was any of that at hospitals, DIY documentary makers would have it all over the web. I look everyday, nothing. 

I also talked to a neonatal ICU nurse, long time neighbor of 8 years. My nurse friend also has a masters in science. The vaccine was never tested long enough to check if it works nor safe. So far the vaccine doesn’t work. Nurses were told it was only one time, not they have to take it again. The extra virulent strains are fake, excuses to spread more fear to make more money for chemical companies. Lockdown is not going away until you go look for yourself and do something about it.

You are destroying your businesses and each other for an AI prank and corporate and real estate takeover.  There is no ICU covid rush nor morgue trucks. The numbers really are fake. There is no run on bodybags nor ICU wards, never was.  Why are you killing your own industry, your business and income?

Do not trust the screen. It wants you to be isolated, so you don’t talk to others to find swap notes, or go see for yourself to find out the truth. Your emails and messages can be diverted and edited, posts taken down from social media. No public gatherings is a Communist takeover tactic. Divide and conquer. Marxism and Communism are the same agenda, take your freedom and your property. 

There is a virus, but it’s a deep fake AI computer virus telling you that people are ill when they aren’t. Telling you a loved one is in an ICU for covid, when they only have the common flu or common cold or another illness entirely. The people on the screen are actors. The network news doesn’t check its sources, it only copies what’s out there.  There are currently major court cases about it, but fake covid new takes up all the news searches, so you don’t know about it.

The software to make the deep fakes that spread the fake virus news is free, developed in the USA by game makers. I research entertainment and marketing technology for an arts biz zine. The USA has been invaded. The government you just elected is pandering to this invasion. Follow the money. Follow the yellow brick road. 

Throw in some communist agents to move things along with “Defund the police”, church smear campaigns, “cancel culture” and race riots, to keep you afraid and isolated. Now you are alone and unprotected and no privacy and no spiritual centers to gather for support or pray for comfort. But YOU CAN FIX THIS in the real world… don’t let anybody say you can’t.

If you are feeling like a deer in the headlights I understand. Here are some pointers to get started: 

Do not trust the screen. Socializing face to face is the best brain and health development for children and adults. Put the screen down and step away. Get back out there and rebuild your humanbeingness. YOU CAN DO IT with confidence.

Meet up with your friends face to face. Adults won’t bully face to face in front of other people. Talk about what you see with your own eyes for real. People are less likely to lie to you face to face and you have a better chance of seeing it. You also have real friends to swap real notes to check stuff. 

Saving the world is a lot of small things we can each do to make a big thing. We are stuck with the screen for some things for now. Maybe bills to pay or video meeting or online duties for work. Or online workshops if there’s no classes in your neighborhood. Use the screen for those, but sparingly. Do wear your mask in public and keep clean, but forget your fear. YOU ARE BRAVE to save yourself and your community.

Save money, the planet, your mental health and time:

(This is how the middle class paid their mortgages, got great educations, and made their neighborhoods successful safe communities.)

  1. Get social in person.

  2. Go to a meetup or volunteer.

  3. Have a dinner party.

  4. Don’t use disposables.

  5. Don’t shop on the screen.

  6. Chat at local grocers for eye witness news.

  7. Learn to cook and sew.

  8. Learn to fix stuff.

  9. Learn to upcycle.

  10. No paper towels or wipes.

  11. Use reusable washable dishrags.

  12. Buy stuff that lasts or is fixable.

  13. Invest in local made stuff.

  14. Hand wash instead of dry clean.

  15. Use an iron to press your clothes.

  16. Use a dishwasher to save water.

  17. Learn to do math in your head.

  18. Learn basic bookkeeping.

  19. Learn how to save water.

  20. Avoid plastics, especially for food.

  21. Baking soda and dish soap instead of bleach.

  22. Brown vinegar or alcohol instead of bug spray.

  23. Tobacco instead of diet pills and brain enhancers.

  24. Home cooked whole food instead of vitamin pills.

  25. Eat food made or grown nearest to you.

  26. Learn lateral thinking - seeing knock on effects.

  27. Do crosswords and puzzles.

  28. Read magazines and news printed on paper.

  29. Hand write letters to people, great privacy.

  30. Don’t go away on holidays. Have a party instead.

  31. Invest in mom and pop shops.

  32. Read paper books from friends and libraries

  33. Make friends with your neighbors.

  34. Have regular community gatherings.

  35. Start a neighborhood watch.

  36. Help each other out.

  37. Rent out rooms to pay the mortgage.

  38. Live within bicycle distance of shops.

  39. Go solar and off grid.

  40. Use reusable batteries.

  41. Grow hydroponic veggies in an apartment.

  42. Background check all information.

  43. Keep kids in school until at least 21 years of age.

  44. Do not teach your kids to play computer games.

  45. Teach your kids to play screenless games with other kids.

  46. Teach your children the stuff in this list.

  47. Journal every day to process your thoughts.

  48. Check your spending everyday to know the numbers.

  49. Set a limit on spending, so you are not borrowing.

  50. Ward off or reprogram negative influencers.

  51. Do public down silent protests.

  52. Give common sense practical reasons.

  53. Hand write protest letters and send registered mail.

  54. Even if you don’t believe in God, pray together.

  55. Hugs heal lots of stresses and fears.

  56. Think positive, be positive, do positive.

I’ll not write the book full of reasons why. Try it and learn for yourself.

Something Else Important to help your community:

The mental health hospitals, homeless help, drug rehab, and local medical clinics and museums, arts centers and schools that the government is closing down. Those were founded and funded by private people who donated them to your community out of their own pockets, on top of taxes. Same with the founded police forces. 

  • A government does not have the right to take those away.

  • YOU HAVE EVERY RIGHT, including the legal right, to organize and protest.

Group thought works just as well for positive stuff. YOU CAN DO THIS, don’t let anybody say you can’t. You can get out of your prison and save the world by putting the screen in its place. Face to face social community fun and human to human comfort and confidence. 

You’ve been bamboozled by bigoted bitches. YOU HAVE THE BALLS to be beautiful bastards and blast the bitches back big time. Don’t need big bucks and YOU CAN DO IT SCREENLESS to better beef up your privacy and freedom to talk. 

DO IT !!!