18 Grants $ for Arts and Media - California
Multiple Grants in all kinds of arts and media for individuals and organizations from multiple organizations and monitored by a major Arts Council.
ARTS AND ACCESSIBILITY (Administered by the National Arts and Disability Center): Up to $1,500 to support artists with disabilities, and up to $2,000 for organizations to enhance participation in the arts by people with disabilities. Details at www.semel.ucla.edu/nadc/grants.
ARTISTS IN COMMUNITIES: Up to $18,000 for artist residencies in community settings.
ARTS AND PUBLIC MEDIA: Up to $18,000 to support the production and programming of multi-platform nonprofit media projects centered on the arts and culture in California.
CREATIVE CALIFORNIA COMMUNITIES: Up to $150,000 over two years to support collaborative creative placemaking projects. Next application opens in Fall of 2018.
LOCAL IMPACT: Up to $18,000 for community-driven arts projects by small and mid-sized arts groups.
REENTRY THROUGH THE ARTS: Up to $50,000 for arts projects supporting formerly incarcerated adults.
RESEARCH IN THE ARTS: Up to $50,000 to support original research on the value and impact of the arts led by California-based researchers.
VETERANS IN THE ARTS: Up to $18,000 for arts projects fo veteran communities.
CULTURAL PATHWAYS: Up to $20,000 over two years to strengthen the capacity of small organizations rooted in communities of color, recent immigrant and refugee communities, and tribal or indigenous groups.
ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Up to $5,000 for consulting projects to build capacity of arts organizations.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Up to $1,000 for access to professional development resources and networks to strengthen the business acumen of individuals employed by arts organizations.
STATE-LOCAL PARTNERSHIP: Up to $35,000 to foster community development on the local level through partnerships between the California Arts Council and the state’s designated local arts agencies.
STATEWIDE AND REGIONAL NETWORKS: Up to $30,000 to support statewide and regional arts service organizations that serve as networks for artists, constituent organizations, and cultural communities.
ARTS EDUCATION – ARTISTS IN SCHOOLS: Up to $18,000 for collaborative arts education projects for students from infancy through Grade 12 taking place on school sites during the school day.
ARTS EDUCATION – EXTENSION: Up to $18,000 for arts education projects for students from infancy through Grade 12 taking place after school or during the summer, either on school sites or in community settings.\
ARTS EDUCATION – EXPOSURE: Up to $18,000 for field trip and assembly support to expose students from infancy through Grade 12 to performances and exhibits.
ARTS EDUCATION – PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: $2,500 to support arts integration training for classroom teachers facilitated by teaching artists.
JUMP StArts: Up to $50,000 for collaborative arts education projects for youth involved in the juvenile justice system