Fine Art and Music Call - Walnut Creek CA — GigsList

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Fine Art and Music Call - Walnut Creek CA

Art on the Main

May 18 - 19, 2019 
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
   Show Promo­ter:The Walnut Festival Association^Show Dir.:Tammy Lagomarsino    Web: thewalnutfestival.org Enter­tain­ment:2 stages - local 
Music: TF CY RB VarietyPay: $100 to $500Other Activi­ties:one main stage live music, one area by civic with acoustic musicAtten­dance:12,000       # Food Booths: 5   # of Exhi­bitors:130     Juried: yes   Prize Money: na   

Dead­lines:Art & Craft: 05/10/2019    Music: 03/01/2019    Food: 03/01/2019 Days/­Hours Open:Sat 10am‑6pm, Sun 10am‑5pmAd­mission:none..We invite you to apply, and join us in one of the East Bay's Premier Juried Fine Art Shows. Art On The Main is a 30 plus year tradition that is an annual celebration of the arts. The Walnut Festival Association is the sponsoring non‑profit organization

For the past 83 years, the non-profit Walnut Festival Association has attracted the most dedicated volunteers, from all walks of life, who join together to serve Contra Costa County by raising funds through community events. The money raised from these annual family entertainment events is donated back into the community to support recreational, charitable, and educational programs and facilities. The Walnut Festival Association events also provide a means for service and charitable groups to raise money to support their specific organizations.

​It is the purpose of the Walnut Festival Association, a 501c non-profit corporation, to raise funds for distribution to educational, recreational, artistic, civic, and charitable causes.

  1. To provide a vehicle for other non-profit organizations to raise funds for their redistribution throughout the year.

  2. To produce quality events for the benefit of the residents of Walnut Creek and the surrounding areas, and to foster a sense of community involvement.

As Walnut Creek has grown, and suburban developments have replaced walnut groves, the Walnut Festival Association has maintained the tradition of producing fundraising events for the benefit of the community. Locations for the event have changed over the years from the center of town to Civic Park and finally, in 1976, to Heather Farm Park, where it is now held the third Thursday after the first Monday in September.

To Apply