Seeking Screenwriter - Remote
Seeking Screenwriter to Proofread/Rate Script
I have written a 120 page romantic comedy screenplay that centers around a guy discovering that his high school crush is now a sex worker in a Nevada brothel. Despite the controversial subject matter of my screenplay, I’m actually aiming for a PG-13 rating with it. It’s “Pretty Woman” meets “A Walk to Remember”. Before I send this awesome story off to agents and producers, I am seeking to hire somebody.
What I’m looking for:
I’m looking to hire a screenwriter who has had experience with placing screenplays (and has optioned a script) to proofread the script and to analyze a number of things:
1. Character strengths.
2. Story.
3. The humor.
And share your feedback if you think an agent or producer would pick the script up. Also, to leave a Rotten Tomato rating.
I’m not really looking for a rewrite. I’ve already spent 8 years going through different versions of the story and feel it is at its best. If you feel a rewrite is drastically needed, I’m open to suggestions.
Also, I set a high price to simply proofread because if a person has experience in pitching and placing scripts, I would welcome the idea of having you help me place it. But that could be discussed at the bottom of everything.
Thanks for reading!
This job was posted from a mobile device, so please pardon any typos or any missing details.
Type:One-time project