Theatre Volunteer Help Needed - Multiple Jobs — GigsList

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Casting Calls and Entertainment Jobs

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Theatre Volunteer Help Needed - Multiple Jobs

Volunteer Help Needed

~ It Pays to Volunteer ~
Some companies will donate money to non-profits (like SFMT)
for each hour their employees volunteer.
Check with your employeer, volunteer and report your hours!

JUNE-JULY 4THskilled,volunteer:
Scenic Painters
Stitchers / Sewing Machine experienced

Cook a park meal for approximately 18-25 Troupers
Put up Posters in all Bay Area Neighborhoods
Help us set up or take down in the park
Hand out programs before the shows

Cook a meal for approximately 15 Troupe Teen Artists Mon-Thur

YEAR ROUNDskilled,volunteer:
Plumbers (for misbehaving toliets and dripping sinks)
Handymen/Carpenters (who can help as needed)

You can work off your parking tickets with us!

Do you know the right people? Help waive fees for Park Permits in:
Santa Cruz, Davis, Palo Alto, San Francisco, Oakland

If interested in volunteering contact Karen Runk work@sfmt.org