Interns for Business Apps
Future Pay researches and publishes useful business and entry career info and developing useful apps for the arts, music, media, film and video game industries. is volunteer run with real world business journalism and social media network of entertainment professionals, nonprofits and companies.
Build your resume, reel, and by-lines. Social media, app and web development, advertising design, animated gifs, video content, pod cast talent, media production, PR and entertainment industry networking. Collaborate in an established entertainment business resource.
Remote work is OK if you are reporting from and promoting in your location. We are taking a more local approach to be a better resource and user experience for your audiences.
With your help will expand to pay its teams and be the best resource for entertainment business and creative careers. Perks include free Directory listing and paid gig referrals.
Tell us about yourself and what you want to do
Subject: (Your skill) for Example: Podcast Producer/Journalist for