Call for Film Competition - Aurora Award — GigsList

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Call for Film competition - Aurora Award

The Aurora is a coveted award that many feel is the industry's most beautiful statue. The Aurora statue was specifically designed to embody the creative reach of filmmakers for higher ground and was commissioned for the competition by a nationally renowned sculptor, Laura Lee Stay-Bradshaw. Its strong vertical lines and flowing form create the beauty that represents excellence.

 Imagine yourself receiving an Aurora Award today…

You see a large box has just arrived from FedEx and you begin to open it. Within the box is another gold, shiny gold box – one that looks so nice all you’d have to do is place a wire-edge ribbon and tie it in a bow and then it would be ready to present to your client whom you’ve just had a great experience creating their latest video. You’re excitement grows as you pull out the gold box and carefully lift the top off.

“Ahhhhh!” you exclaim aloud as you view the shiny and bright Aurora Award nested in the black velvet-lined box. Others briefly turn to look to see if you’re alright then continue with their work as you see you are smiling from ear to ear. You gently lift her out of her resting spot and discover that she is heavier than you imagined at just over five pounds. She is a solid award and has your name on the shiny, metallic plaque wrapped around the black base.

You turn her in your hands just as if on a turn table and admire her beautiful flowing dress and her delicate and speechless face as she gazes upward. The beauty of her arched back leads you up to her arms reaching and extended skyward. She is also taller than expected at just over 14 inches and her arms create that rounded appearance like a wreath that only award-winners use to show off their film titles.

Because you customized the Aurora Award’s plate, you inspect the words inscribed in black letters you indicated to represent the video you put your best effort into and others -- your peers -- recognized your excellent work. You decided to include your name so you will be forever remembered for that video. You feel that deep sense of accomplishment from within.

Others will now see the Aurora Award and know you as a great award-winning creator. You think of the many locations you could place the beautiful Aurora; your office showcase near the front entry of your business, your shelf above your desk just beyond the sights of your computer screen, the corner of your desk, or on your mantle at home where you spot her each day after coming home from a long hard day’s efforts.

If you ordered additional Aurora statuettes and included your client’s name with your name, you will be proud to present this award to them in person. Perhaps they will continue your relationship for a long time as they are assured that you created high-quality work for them. The Aurora becomes a valued symbol of receiving your great work for their investment in your filmmaking services. And now they also have another instrument which allows them to market their own company from a unique perspective.

You view the underneath side of the Aurora and see the black velvet pad on which it rests. On the pad is a metallic sticker sent from the Society Awards foundry – it’s the same foundry which created The Emmy, Clio, Golden Globe and The Voice awards. Now you can really feel impressed by the magnitude of your efforts and are pleased that you decided to enter your work to The Aurora Awards Competitions.

Because you have been awarded a major, notable industry award you rejoice by raising it over your head – proud of your accomplishments in winning an Aurora. All the extra thought and effort you put into creating the video lets you know that you have created something special. And if you have several Aurora’s from many years, you know that you can consistently produce excellent work. You can hear the audience still applauding your efforts as you take the Aurora Award to show your team and thank them for their important role in making it all happen. 


- Feedback from our award-winning judges (all entries entered)
- Aurora Award statuettes (authorization to purchase)
- Aurora Awards holographic certificates (1 comp per winning entry, add'l available)
- Link from our website to your business site (viewed worldwide)- Artwork for your application (may request custom)
- Press release for wide-spread distribution
- Opportunity to judge other entries (upon Judging Team's invitation)
- New marketing content (which you claim in your marketing strategies)
