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'Talking It Out,' Virtual Arts Festival



EXPIRES:March 1, 2022 4:00 PM

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Piccione Arts

Anthony J. Piccione, prod.; Summer Dawn, Rebecca Wilson, Kelleen Moriarty and Lissy Gold, dirs.

Production Description

Casting roles in the March 19 performance of "Talking It Out," a virtual play festival in support of mental health awareness.


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Actors & Performers

Giselle: Female, 13-30WORK FROM HOME

from the play "The Midnight Catch Up" by Angelo Lorenzo. An anxious 16-year-old Filipino high school student; tends to overthink.

Ethnicity: Southeast Asian / Pacific Islander

Required Media: Headshot/Photo, Video Reel


Conrad: Male, 13-30WORK FROM HOME

from the play "The Midnight Catch Up" by Angelo Lorenzo. A care-free 16-year-old Filipino young man who is a childhood friend to Giselle; knows how to play the guitar and improvise songs; optimistic but aware of people’s feelings.

Ethnicity: Southeast Asian / Pacific Islander

Required Media: Headshot/Photo, Video Reel

Required Skills:

  • Music/Musician: Guitar

  • Singing


Kaycee: Female, 13-30WORK FROM HOME

from the play "Remembering Morgan" by Annie Brown. Strong and supportive. Close friend. Keeps her letter private. Only one to truly know how Morgan died.

Ethnicity: All Ethnicities

Required Media: Headshot/Photo, Video Reel


Tegan: Female, 13-30WORK FROM HOME

from the play "Remembering Morgan" by Annie Brown. Adventurous. Middle school best friend who drifted off due to broken promises. First letter written by Morgan.

Ethnicity: All Ethnicities

Required Media: Headshot/Photo, Video Reel


Jo: Male, 13-30WORK FROM HOME

from the play "Remembering Morgan" by Annie Brown. Sweet but struggles in the wrong group of friends. He struggles with how his friends reacted to this loss.

Ethnicity: All Ethnicities

Required Media: Headshot/Photo, Video Reel


Maisie: Female, 13-30WORK FROM HOME

from the play "Remembering Morgan" by Annie Brown. Wants to be seen as superior but hates what that has turned her into. Morgan’s elementary best friend.

Ethnicity: All Ethnicities

Required Media: Headshot/Photo, Video Reel


Peyton: Female, 13-30WORK FROM HOME

Jason: Male, 13-30WORK FROM HOME

Ollie: Male, 13-30WORK FROM HOME

Kadie: Female, 13-30WORK FROM HOME

Ariadne: Female, Gender-Nonconforming, Non-Binary, Trans Female, 18-34WORK FROM HOME

Becca: Female, Gender-Nonconforming, Non-Binary, Trans Female, 13-30WORK FROM HOME

Thea: Female, Gender-Nonconforming, Non-Binary, Trans Female, 13-34WORK FROM HOME

Dr. Gray: All Genders, 18+WORK FROM HOME

Frank Jackson: Male, 45-70WORK FROM HOME

Ed Jackson: Male, 18-34WORK FROM HOME

Nick Kinderwood: Male, 40-60WORK FROM HOME

Bob Brown: Male, 45-70WORK FROM HOME

Rehearsal and Production Dates & Locations

Rehearsal dates subject to actor and director availability; tech rehearsals are from March 14-18. (each day from 6 p.m. EST until 9 p.m. EST at the latest; performs March 19 (7 p.m. EST) virtually.

Compensation & Contract Details

No PayPay TBD. Production states: "Half of all donations go toward the National Alliance on Mental Illness, while the other half will be distributed evenly among the participating artists."

Key Details

Seeking talent:

Nationwide (United States)Work With Us

We are constantly looking for new actors, directors & playwrights to work with!


Email: talkingitoutfest@gmail.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/talkingitoutfest

Instagram: @talkingitoutfest