What the industry does before it does it!
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Tips and Editorial

Enlightening tidbits and bits of arts history…

Celebrity Climate Change Fix

Arts, entertainment and design uses up a lot of crap and leaves an ever growing landfill mass of toxic rubbish. Ever since the movie industry started at the dawn of the 20th century. 

  • Movie, TV, music video, and Youtube sets and backdrops torn down and dumped after every production. 

  • Cheap crappy costumes from Asia that fall apart from one or two uses. 

  • Fuel powered transport to and from productions of people, equipment, and supplies. 

  • Butt ugly overpriced celebrity homes that are remodeled over and over, dumping actual tons of crap into landfills every renovation and remodel.

  • Ever changing technology that is designed to be redundant and dump toxic crap in landfills, not repaired and reused.

  • Truck loads of plastic drink bottles and cups and food packaging at concerts. 

  • No public transport to concerts and festivals, putting more cars are on the road polluting the world.

  • Chemical portable toilets with everything dumped together, instead of separating compost toilets where the shit and foot waste can be donated to farms for natural fertilizer. The way God or whoever upstairs intended shit and piss to go.

It’s not just that. All your cheap crap and stuff that is made in Asia is putting people in your country and other first world counties out of jobs. Your cheap ass is causing homelessness, which in Los Angeles is causing bubonic plague, according to my neighbor who is a nurse with a doctorate.  Los Angeles is the center of the movie industry. Letting homelessness and dark age plagues happen when big movie, game, music, TV and media companies can more than afford to fix it, is not a good look for Hollywood.

  • Costumers and fashion construction jobs and quality clothing have gone.

  • Make up and hair supplies over packaged and made overseas.

  • Plastic bottles and cups and food packaging are made overseas. 

  • Mom and pop shops are closing because you shop online. 

  • Local businesses that pay their taxes for community services are out of business.

  • Not enough community service have funding to help because nobody is paying taxes.

  • Local farms and hand made eateries are closing, because you buy prepackaged food that tastes like crap.

  • The technology made overseas and sold online.

  • All the extra packaging that your cheap crap is delivered in, all goes to landfill.

  • The promo t-shirts and toys all made overseas and dumped in our landfill.

There is a big difference between original and generic. If your crap is made overseas guess what? You are generic.  The cruel irony is that you protest climate change, yet you teach people to trash the planet. Yes you really and truly you.

Working in arts, entertainment and media all of us are either influencers or support teams for influencers. An influencer is simply a millennial marketing blurb for a celebrity. 

What you wear, use, buy and how you live. Your fans follow and imitate all of it. Idiot monkey see, idiot monkey do. You are an idiot monkey, because you are copying somebody else because they are famous. You want to be like them, because you think it will make you famous or glamorous. Not for any other reason. You have no style, so you copy somebody else, even if it is cheap crap made overseas that puts your friends out of work and out of their homes. 

Then you cry poor, because people don’t buy your crap. Your pea brain can’t or won’t make the connection that audiences are unemployed, underpaid and homeless, because your cheap ass buys crap from overseas. 

No matter how much you donate to causes for the PR and tax breaks. You are still part of the problem in how you live and how you conduct your business and how you influence other people. You are turning the whole world into climate change hypocrites.

Here is a real life example of how you are turning child influences and celebrities into hypocrites. The following is an excerpt from a book I’m working on about how advertising and tv and online shopping causes climate change. I didn’t mention you guys in the book, because my mission for you is to clean up your act and show people how heal the planet by cleaning up their acts. For you to stop teaching crap by example. 

The Bad News

We Are All Hypocrites 

… including Miss Greta Thunberg and her followers ...

My usual research is art history. In art history I study how stuff is made, why it is made, what it is made from, how it is distributed and used and what happens to it. All kinds of artistry and design, including fashion and technology. Greta and every person in the photo with Greta are holding and wearing stuff that causes global warming. In the items’ source materials, development, transport, manufacture, marketing, packaging, sales, shipping, care and disposal. 

In the development of these products and technology a lot of poisonous crap was experimented on and dumped and paved over. They left industrial Superfund sites that you have to dig for to find. Actual excavating, digging with jackhammers under what they’ve paved over with concrete. And the stuff underneath the concrete is still leaching into the soil and groundwater supplies. USA EPA website for locating those sites in the USA. San Francisco Bay Area folk are in for a real estate shock when they check what their rivers and streams run through.  Even though some of these places are deemed safe by the EPA, that is for PR. They don’t have enough funding to fix it and the horse has already jumped that fence. Wear hazmat suits.

Even if Greta and her supporters bought their crap from thrift stores, all of it is poisoning the Earth and us. They are all clad head to toe and fully accessorized and teched out, even their hair dyed in the stuff and washed in stuff that is causing what they are protesting. The rest of us are no better.

Did that give you a jolt? Wait till you wrap your brain around the rest of it. Keep your hat on, so your head doesn’t explode grey matter all over your smartphone or laptop or whatever.

I’ll let you know when the book is out so you can read on… :) It includes some eye watering charts of climate change and shopping studies.

Meantime clean up your act and give the jobs back to your citizens, so they have jobs and housing and the cash to buy your stuff again:)