9 Search Engine Algorithm Hacks
SEO = Search Engine Optimization
Tips and hacks that GigsList uses.
Researching for gigs and resources for you guys, I see a lot of waffle about how great an act or organization are on their web and social media. But not a single keyword about what they do. If you are looking for something like you, what keywords do you use? Strip your copy down to a few sentences with those keywords in them.
I link to sites in GigsList.info’s Tool Shed, but they don’t link back. Then they wonder why they don’t get higher search engine results. Search engine algorithms are web shaped and run like electrical circuits. If you don’t link back you don’t complete the circuit for the next section of the web to connect. The algorithm can’t find you.
GigsList has a unique name and original rights to that name. When people search for it they find GigsList. Using names from something else will burry you in a pile of other things with the same name. Use unique names or combinations of words or make up a word.
A chunk of GigsList SEO and market research is looking at stats. All websites and social media pages come with some kind of traffic statistics. Look them up and find the keywords your viewers use to find you. Create content and copy with those.
GigsList content titles try to be catchy. Content titles should describe what the content is. Like a news headline. Get people and the algorithms interested before they click. Get clear on what your content is about in descriptions.
I get nice comments on how GigsList if fast to load. I try to keep image files under 100k. Search engines don’t like big image files. Especially nothing over 300k. If you have ten images that are a meg each on a page, that’s 10 megs and will take forever to load on some connections. People don’t want to wait and click off. Work on your files. If it looks clear on a desktop it will look clear on any device.
GigsList’s new image reference system includes the name of the creator or subject and GigsList.info. Putting reference details in image names helps image search algorithms find your content. Research and name your images with search keywords.
GigsList uses topic tags, categories, and descriptions to help you find stuff. Search engine algorithms find stuff the same way. Add topic tags, categories, and descriptions to your metadata. Metadata is part of the stuff that algorithms use to put you in the right search results.
In GigsList.info’s shop, content, jobs and Pro Member’s lounge are arts and entertainment business tools and information. But broad niche, not just one segment. Filmmakers need musicians for sound tracks. Musicians need filmmakers for music videos. Stage producers and film producers need cast and crew. Musicians and actors need development, makeup and costumes. Game makers need story writers and artists. Include broad niche content that relates to yours.