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10 Hacks To Save Money as a Starving Artist

How to save a few months rent or mortgage payments every year!

A dripping tap fills a bucket. Those little things and convinces, a few bucks here and there, are keeping you broke. Your parents or grandparents didn’t do that. They also saved a lot of time in shopping and taking out and sorting trash. That’s how they paid off their houses that they can sell for 10 times more in 2022. Here are 66 simple doable now hacks to save a couple of mortgage payments or a few months rent. In no particular order. Save loads of cash and make you and your family healthier and happier and have great life skills and more quality time. And look designer good.

Crew Scarf
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Crew Scarf
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  1. Learn first aid for humans and pets.

  2. Take your kids to the park to play, instead of the mall to shop.

  3. One TV for the whole house for family time or roomie group time.

  4. Get rid of your electric kitchen gadgets.

  5. Have garage sales.

  6. Use your spice rack for vitamins, works better than pills, research recipes.

  7. Buy local and locally grown and made to boost your local economy.

  8. Go vegetarian.

  9. Make gifts, instead of buying them. A cake, or a bowl from pottery class or towel rack from metal class, mow their lawn, for examples.

  10. Leave lights, devices and internet off when not in use for less service bills and better online security.

Try it out for 3 months and let me know your results in the comments. Sign up for the GigsLIst.info ezine news letter thingy what’s it to know when the next list of money saving hacks is up. I have 50 more starving artist money hacks to tell you about.

This is an original work and copyright. If you republish or share this, whol or in part, please quote the source. Deborah Hodgson, GigsList.info and link to the article.