What the industry does before it does it!
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Tips and Editorial

Enlightening tidbits and bits of arts history…

10 More Hacks to Survive as a Starving Artist

You’re all doing great, keep at it and here are more hacks for you to keep your cash.

11. Have friends over for drinks more often.

Crew Mug
Drink me...

12. Have dinner parties and potlucks more.

13. Use tea towels and hand towels you can wash and reuse, no paper towels.

14. Ban mobile phones and devices for underage anybody, visitors too.

15. Wash your hair no more than twice week.

16. Dye your own hair on occasion.

17. Cut your kids hair yourself on holidays.

18. Learn to make, sew and mend clothes and cushion covers and curtains.

19. Renovate and restyle clothes and furniture from 2nd hand stores.

20. Use credit strictly only for extreme real-emergencies. Occasional small items to build your credit score.

Be your own crew and create your own quality of life and save the world while doing it:)